[SMG],"Marta-Walter-Preis 2022 geht an Stephan Klarer", Bulletin SAGW, 2022 (2), S. 64.
[SMG],"4 questions à… Irène Minder-Jeanneret", Bulletin SAGW, 2022 (1), S. 78.
Cristina Urchueguía, "Zwischen Sphärenharmonie und Groove: Zeit in der Musik", Bulletin SAGW, 2022 (1), S. 59-62.
[SMG],"SAGW gründet Kuratorium für Musiklexikon der Schweiz", Bulletin SAGW, 2022 (1), S. 72.
[SMG],"Helen Gebhart neue Geschäftsführerin", Bulletin SAGW, 2021 (1), S. 67.
[SMG],"Le Prix Handschin 2020 est décerné à Laura Decurtins et Rafael Rennicke", Bulletin SAGW, 2020 (3), S. 69.
[SMG], "Musiklexikon der Schweiz ist online", Bulletin SAGW, 2020 (1), S. 61.
[SMG],"Miriam Roner reçoit le Prix Jacques Handschin 2018", Bulletin SAGW, 2018 (3), S. 65.
[SMG], "Angela Fiore erhält den Jacques-Handschin-Preis 2016", Bulletin SAGW, 2016 (4), S. 63.
Benedict Zemp, "Dóra Kiss erhielt den Jacques-Handschin-Preis 2014", Bulletin SAGW, 2015 (1), S. 68.
Benedict Zemp, "Salwa El-Shawan Castelo- Branco erhält den Glarean- Preis für Musikforschung", Bulletin SAGW, 2013 (4), S. 61.
[SMG], [o.T.], Bulletin SAGW, 2013 (1), S. 61.
Therese Bruggisser-Lanker, "90 Jahre Schweizerische Musikforschende Gesellschaft", Bulletin SAGW, 2005 (2), S. 34.
SMG, in: NEMS Newsletter – Autumn 2024, S. 14-16.
The origins and purpose of Network of European Musicological Societies (NEMS): the idea was born in Utrecht in November 2018 during the congress that the KVNM organized to celebrate its 150th anniversary, inviting representatives of musicological societies from many European countries and of international repertoires (RISM, RILM, RIPIM, RIdIM). The organizing committee that was then formed carried out a survey among the national societies on their interest in the constitution of a European network, their expectations, and their wishes as to the structure to be adopted. A year later in September 2019 NEMS was founded during the conference of the Royal Musical Association in Manchester. NEMS panel sessions have taken place in Lyon (SfM conference, October 2021) and Helsinki (Sibelius Academy conference, June 2022). The NEMS Network is a loosely structured organisation, open to every musicological society that is interested in strengthening mutual bonds and sharing experiences.